I have been to some really big events. I’ve been to stadiums filled with thousands of people singing along with the latest worship band. I’ve been to churches that could seat more people than the entire population of some towns I’ve lived in. These large events can help us capture a glimpse of God’s greatness that small gatherings cannot.
Big events and large gatherings are very useful for the large impact they can have. For some reason, there seem to be things that get through to us in a stadium that fail to register with us around a small table. At the same time, there are things a get together of 2 or 3 people can accomplish that a crowd of 2 or 3 thousand, or even 2 or 3 hundred, never will.
For too long Christians have relied solely on the large group meetings to accomplish God’s mission to make disciples. Disciples need to be able to ask questions, confess sins, receive personal encouragement, and pray with and for others. There is simply no way for all of this to happen in a crowd. A group of three people is the perfect size for growing healthy disciples.
This is where DNA groups come in at Living Faith Christian Church. A DNA group is two or three people of the same gender who meet together once a week for about an hour. Together the group will Discover the truths of the Bible, Nurture gospel accountability, and Act on their faith by praying for the lost. Starting a DNA group requires no special training and no curriculum other than the Bible. You can learn more about DNA groups by downloading the free brochure. The link is at the bottom of this post.
You can learn more about DNA groups by downloading the free brochure. The link is at the bottom of this post. The DNA format is a simple tool you can put to use immediately that will help you grow as an individual, it will help you grow as a disciple maker, and it will help you grow as a leader in ways a large group gathering never could. Download this free brochure, recruit a friend to join you, and see what God can do