Here are some interesting articles from around the web this week:
Letter to a Church Member (Or a Letter to Myself) – “You want to be honored. You want to be admired. In the simplest of terms, you allow idolatry to thrive inside of you. The Idol of Self. And, you expect your church to bow to this idol, too. But that is not what the church was made to do.”
Who Are the Ministers of the Church? – “For many, the answer to this question seems palpably obvious. The ministers of the church are those blokes we pay and call ministers, aren’t they? They’re the guys we look up to and expect to do ‘the work of ministry’. Interestingly, this isn’t something that scripture recognises.”
How to Regain the Lost Art of Reflection – Some useful stuff here for everyone. What I find particularly interesting is how similar some of the suggestions are to what we do in our DNA groups.
Ten Things You Should Know About Temptation – “Let’s look at ten things we should all know about the nature of temptation and how to defeat it.”
One Man’s Dream Destroyed Millions – “Hefner and many others have become very rich by objectifying women and turning them into virtual prostitutes — mere bodily images to be used by millions of men who care nothing about them, who ravage them in their imaginations for selfish pleasure and then toss them in the trash. Hefner gave these women the fun name of “playmates,” a wicked mockery of both a person and play, adding a terrible insult to horrible injury.”