Here are some interesting articles from around the internet this week:
- Our Culture Eulogizes Hugh Hefner and Enables Harvey Weinstein but Eviscerates Mike Pence – Owen Strachan – “… the same media that condemns Weinstein (after helping cover up his apparent crimes) is the media that eulogized Hefner. As I read the reports about the Miramax producer, and read the half-hearted indictments of Weinstein by various famous personalities, I could not help but think back a few months to the furor surrounding Vice President Mike Pence, who famously does not have meetings alone with women who are not his wife. Pence, by his own confession, abides by this policy because he is a Christian man who wishes to honor God, protect his marriage, and not put the women he works with in a compromising position.”
- An Open Letter to Those Suffering From Depression – Shona Murray – “My dear friend, I’m so sorry to hear that you are suffering with serious depression. Although you feel hopeless and helpless, I want to assure you right up front that there is hope and there is help. I’ve been there myself and I’ve felt the same despair and darkness that you feel. But God, in his great mercy, brought me out of it and I trust and pray he will also bring you into the light.”
- Seriously, Why Jesus and Not Socrates – Dan DeWitt – “Both had disciples. Both taught radical, culture-shaking things. Neither wrote anything personally that we have today. Both died for what they believe. So, why Jesus and not Socrates? Here are three reasons …”
- Four Ways to Attack a Sense of Entitlement – Eric Geiger – “A sense of entitlement can greatly harm the culture and the mission of a ministry or organization. A sense of entitlement is corrosive and crushes the collective soul of the team. Those the team is designed to serve become less and less important as self-centeredness reigns. When entitlement spreads, the ministry or organization acts as if it exists for itself instead of for others. As white blood cells attack sickness in a healthy body, a sense of organizational entitlement must be attacked. Here are 4 ways: …”
- Context is Key – Thabiti Anyabwile – “I can’t seem to escape this week’s news cycle regarding Sgt. LaDavid T. Johnson, his wife, Myeshia, and the phone called placed by President Trump to this grieving widow. So I’ve turned the news off. But I can’t help thinking I should learn from this situation as a pastor. … As I’ve reflected on the last couple of days, it seems context may be the biggest key in being helpful–or at least not harmful.”